Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Alex is doing a Joy School this year, and loving it. I love to see him learning. Before School started I was starting wonder if he was colored blind, because every color was blue to him. No matter how much I worked with him on colors. I have seen improvement since School started; he is doing a lot better at recognizing his colors. He knows purple, green, blue, gray, yellow, brown, red; and I am sure that he knows more. His favorite subject in School is math... he loves to count, and he is very good with numbers. I guess he gets that from his Daddy. His least favorite subject is English. We have the kid trace letters, and Alex does not like doing that, recently if he doesn't finish at school, I have him trace the rest at Home and since starting that he has been doing very well tracing his letters.
There is five kids in the Joy School and the teaching responsibility switches between the four Mom's (there is a set of twins, that is why there is more kids than Mom's). So I teach once every other week. We meet twice a week.
I love teaching, I have a lot of fun planning the lessons. I am teaching this week, and my theme is "Fairy Tales". I am pretty excited about it. I am hoping that I have enough material.